Here’s a summary of some of the major projects that I’ve worked on or am still working on. If you’d like to get into more detail and maybe view a little code, check out my github.
I’ve also done a lot of interesting work at my day job with CleverOgre on PHP/WordPress websites. At the moment, I’m not providing examples of that here, but I can tell you more about it upon request.

Short, simple, challenging but fun Metroidvania with a unique twist developed on the PICO-8 Fantasy Console (Lua-based).
First attempt at publishing a (semi-) full-length game. Many limitations which add to it’s retro-style charm.

Octopy [Raspberry Pi]
Synchronized midi and audio player on the Raspberry Pi platform using Python. This project is intended to be used for electronic live performances. Created for ReLiC and Crystal Coast.
The goal was to trigger each song using a midi drum pad and sequence midi devices (drum machines, synthesizers, samplers, etc) alongside a backing track.

Spider Web [VCS]
Simple game written for the Atari 2600 in 6502 Assembly. Play as a spider and defend your home by stunning and eating flies as they buzz around. Watch out for fly swatters!

32u4 Programmer
Hardware Completed, Software In Development
Parallel EEPROM and ATtiny13A ISP programmer with native USB support using the Atmega32u4 microcontroller. Intended for making homebrew NES & VCS cartridges with easily rewritable EEPROM for prototyping. Hardware written in C with Arduino Bootloader; software written in Python with wxPython and PySerial.

LMNC MegaMachine Tetris
Simple Tetris game written for the GameBoy MegaMachine by Look Mum No Computer. Displays game rendered on a black and white window while concurrently sending out Midi messages for a 6×8 Midi Matrix. Written in Java for the Processing IDE. Buggy, but it’s a proof of concept. You can find more information about the MegaMachine here.

Ogre Cave Climb [NES]
In Development
This is my first attempt at writing a game for the Nintendo Entertainment System using a combination of Assembly and C code.

PI Field Recorder [Raspberry Pi]
Working on Hardware Implementation
Battery-operated field recorder designed for use with the Audio Injector Octo and piTFT touch screen. The majority of the audio and GUI code developed in Python has been written already. I’ve been working on putting a final working prototype together and putting it to some good use.

Pulsar Watchface [Pebble]
A watchface for the Pebble Time Round which imitates a Pulsar LED watch. I thought it’d be cool to callback one of the first ever digital watches to hit the market, the Seiko Pulsar P2, on my favorite smartwatch, the Pebble Time Round. The Pebble/Rebble developer community has been really cool, and writing apps for these watches in C is definitely an enjoyable experience.

Willow’s Dream [Mega Drive]
Development Halted
Willow’s Dream is a concept I’ve been working on for a year or two now. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive is my favorite 16-bit console and developing a full-fledged game for it is a bucket list item for me.
I’ve got some of the basic structure set up, but I’m far from a working prototype much less a full story. I’ve had to halt any work on it due to other aspects of my life pulling on me in recent months. This is definitely something I will pick back up once I get the chance.

Warlords [Pebble]
(Mostly) Completed
The original Atari Warlords arcade game was one of my favorites growing up. I was looking to add a little fun to my Pebble smartwatch library, and this was the first idea that hit my mind.
The gameplay is far from perfect, and there’s no enemy AI yet, but it’s a working prototype and fun to show off at parties!